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The bourgeoisie of the Europe's most popular spa town, one of the most famous casino in the world, pro-European manifestations and the Trinkhalle

People are dancing for a European unity in front of the Theater

Baden-Baden is the smallest county town in Baden-Württemberg and lies in the west of the country. The town is known as a spa and bathing resort as well as a media, art and international festival center. Already the Romans took advantage of the hot thermal springs from the Black Forest. In the Middle Ages, Baden-Baden was the capital of the Margraviate of Baden. After the catastrophic fire in 1689 the town lost the status of the residence to Rastatt. In the 19th century, the spa town was rediscovered and, thanks to the income from the casino, it developed into an internationally important meeting place for noblemen and wealthy citizens. Since the 19th century a rich, material and immaterial heritage has been well-preserved.

A hotel on Kaiserallee

The town is full of beautiful architecture, expensive cars and rich people. Beside the fact that the town is in the mountains, it has a lot of parks, trees and other green spaces. 

It is very interesting that in the town there are still carriages that go straight through the central streets and stand at traffic lights. It seems like that in Baden-Baden not only architecture has been preserved. 

Ludwig-Wilhelm Platz

Die Evangelische Stadtkirche

Die Evangelische Stadtkirche is one of the most important church in the town. It was built in 1832-1864 and 1876 by the architects Friedrich Eisenlohr and Heinrich Lang. 


The town center is very beautiful and is full of people. Expensive fancy shops are everywhere and are very visited. Mostly by Chinese and Russian oligarchy.

Beer drinking place in Marktplatz
Expensive boutiques

A city-train car for tourists and dancing Europeans

Medici Hotel
The Kurhaus Casino

The Kurhaus is a spa resort, casino, and conference complex in Baden-Baden. It has a 7,000 euros upper betting limit.

The main structure was designed in 1824 by Friedrich Weinbrenner, who is responsible for the Corinthian columns and paired-griffins frieze of the grand entrance and the neo-classical interiors. Although the casino only began to achieve international fame in the middle 1830s, when gambling was forbidden in France. This legal barrier encouraged gamblers to cross the border where they could try their luck at Baden-Baden's gaming tables. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Gambler was inspired by the Russian author's visit to the Kurhaus casino. At one point in her life, Marlene Dietrich declared that this was "the most beautiful casino in the world."

The grand entrance

Over the course of nearly two centuries, the famous resort has experienced its ups and downs. However, by the 1920s, some of those who were made wealthy by the Great War were displacing the titled Europeans who had contributed to building Kurhaus's reputation as a resort and casino.

Corinthian columns and paired-griffins frieze

Trinkhalle (Pump Hall/House)

The Trinkhalle (pump house) in the Kurhaus spa complex in Baden-Baden was built 1839–1842 by Heinrich Hübsch in a complementary architectural style as the spa's main building. The 90-metre arcade is lined with frescos and benches. 

A branch office of Baden-Baden's tourist information bureau is located in this historic structure.

The pictures of the Trinkhalle

The pictures were designed by Jakob Götzenberger, a contemporary to Moritz von Schwinds. They depict scenes from myths and legends of the region, and thus also identify excursion destinations in the surrounding area.

The first one (from the left) is about Burkart Keller von Yburg. On the way to his fiancée in Kuppenheim, Junker Burkart Keller falls at night on the pagan sacrifice of the temptations of a veiled woman. She kisses him and sucks his soul out of his body. The place is still called "Kellersbild".

The second one is called The Mummelsee and it is about the mermaids who rise from the grounds of the lake and dance their dance. In the first hour after midnight, the sea king lifts his head out of the water and takes his daughters back.

The main façade of the Trinkhalle

The right side of the hall

The first picture (from the left) is called Baldreit in which Palgrave Otto Heinrich is freed from suffering by the salutary sources of Baden-Baden. In the courtyard of an inn, he joyously climbed his horse and shouted to the landlord: "See, so soon I ride!" 

The central entrance

The column of the Trinkhalle





Lichtentaler Straße

On Lichtentaler Straße there is a hotel that is called Belle Epoque and if I will saz that it is verz expensive, it does not mean anything, because in Baden-Baden every hotel is expensive. For example, this one has a visitor from Russian Federation and I know it because that fancy white Mercedes is from Russia. Actually, as I already said, Baden-Baden is the place where Russian oligarchs are spending their money made from gas, diamonds and oil.

A fancy one
Ludwig-Wilhelm Straße


Lichtentaler Straße

Text by: Cătălin CREȚU

Photography: Cătălin CREȚU for The Bunget

© Bunget Group


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